How to Fix the Spyder IDE “Internal Problem” Issue

In this video, I’ll show you how to fix a common issue with the Spyder IDE for Python programming. This issue was introduced to version 5.1.5 per my experience. Unless your Anaconda program has an older version 4.x.x or newer version 5.3.x, you might run into the issue when you try to run the input() function. Two quick fixes:

1) Install the newer version 5.3.x outside of the Anaconda environment

2) Create a new virtual environment within Anaconda to install a newer version of Spyder (e.g. 5.3.2).

For option 2, run this command in the Anaconda Prompt terminal:

conda create -n spyder-cf -c conda-forge spyder jupyter_client=7.3.1

Read more info here:

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